
Planeta Desechable

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Cape Wind Greenpeace Wind Power Public Service Announcement

Por que tener esto ...... cuando podemos tener esto otro / Why have this... when we can have THIS !!!!


IV Seminario Internacional sobre agotamiento de Gas y Petroleo / IV International Workshop on Oil and Gas Depletion

Extracto del IV Seminario Internacional sobre el Agotamiento del Petróleo y Gas llevado a cabo en la ciudad de Lisboa en Mayo de 2005. Conferencistas destacados:
Rui Namorado Rosa;Colin Campbell;Robert Hirsch;Jean Laherrère;Matthew Simmons;
Ugo Bardi;Charles Hall;Robert Ayres;Manuel Collares Pereira;Kyel Aleklett;
Palabras clave: Peak Oil; Hubbert Peak; Agotamiento ; ASPO.

Digest of the footage took during the IV International Workshop on Oil and Gas Depletion, held in Lisbon in May of 2005. Featured Speakers:
Rui Namorado Rosa;Colin Campbell;Robert Hirsch;Jean Laherrère;Matthew Simmons;
Ugo Bardi;Charles Hall;Robert Ayres;Manuel Collares Pereira;Kyel Aleklett;
Keywords: Peak Oil; Hubbert Peak; Depletion; ASPO


Counter de gasto ENERGETICO

WIDTH="305" HEIGHT="170" id="oil_consumption_counter_6">

Mike Ruppert on Peak Oil

At the recent Solfest alternative energy fair in Hopland California, Mike Ruppert of http://www.copvcia.com spoke on the decline of oil reserves and what that means for society and what people can do about it.

Crude Awakening: Peak Oil & The End of Cheap Energy: Part 2 by John Richter

Peak oil is the maximum oil extracted on the planet. It marks half all the possible recoverable oil being recovered. What are the impacts on the economy and the world?

"We want our oil, we want our gas, we're gonna drive, and we'll pay whatever it takes, and, if we have to, we'll cut back somewhere else in our lives.”

John Richter explains the physical and economic constraits on oil flows, including the demand and supply sides. He discusses the disappearance of excess capacity, increase in US demand, lack of tankers and limited oil personnel. He points out how supply has failed to increase rapidly enough to hold price steady, marking the beginning of the peak oil curve.

Richter points out that moving people from low fuel economy cars to mid fuel economy cars, while others move from mid fuel economy to high fuel economy, would cut in half gasoline demand, if usage held steady.

"At some point, the low wage worker can not afford to drive to work anymore... We can't shut down the low wage section of the economy because of oil.

"What are the economic effects of Peak Oil? Higher inflation and higher unemployment... When you have rapidly escalating energy prices, you get stagflation.

"We have a lot of options here, to reduce our energy use, but the runway is short. Peak Oil is imminent, and the declines will be sharp, and we will have to act quickly."

Crude Awakening: Peak Oil & The End of Cheap Energy: Part 1 by Tim Hudson

Peak oil is upon us. The energy crisis is looming. Tim Hudson presents Crude Awakening: Peak Oil & The End of Cheap Energy: Part 1 - What it is, How and When it Will Happen.

"We think the Peak Oil point has three sides." On one side is the energy, on the second side is the environment, and on the third side is the economics. "Everybody positions themselves kind of in this three dimensional weighting, their value system, about what's important amongst all these things... Think of all three."

"Peak Oil is the point where the rate of oil extraction begins to permanently decline... We suddenly get a switch from an oil buyers market, to a sellers market, and there is a sudden increase in prices..." Hudson describes the bloom of books, articles, films, and websites on Peak Oil. "Some are predicting doom and gloom... Peak Oil will be like the 1970s oil crisis, but this time, it is here to stay."

Hudson describes the relationship and links between money and the energy supply. "We probably need to better understand the relationship between our financial system, our civilization itself that the financial system was constructed under, and cheap energy and this assumption that we must grow financially every year..."