
Energías Renovables : Encrucijada Energética / Renewable Energy : Energy Crossroads (Documentary)

Energías Renovables : Encrucijada Energética / Renewable Energy : Energy Crossroads (Documentary)

Las Energías Renovables son una opción indispensable como parte de la solución a la encrucijada energética que nuestro planeta enfrenta. Este es un extracto del documental Energy Crossroads.

Energy Crossroads: An Oil Dependent Nation /Encrucijada Energética: Una Nacion Dependiente del petróleo.

Energy Crossroads: An Oil Dependent Nation /Encrucijada Energética: Una Nación Dependiente del petróleo.
Most experts agree that global peak oil production, when demand exceeds supply, will occur within the next 15 years and will drastically change the very fabric of our industrialized world.


Exelente Spot de Energías Renovables / renewable Energy Spot. THE RETURN OF THE SUN

THE RETURN OF THE SUN / EL RETORNO DEL SOL.- Exelente Spot de Energías Renovables / Renewable Energy Spot

The energy we need is all around us.
This is an ad campaign by Solon AG Fuer Solartechnik, manufacturer and distributor of solar cells and photovoltaic power panels, which operates in Germany and Switzerland.


Energy Crossroads: A burning need to change course

Energy Crossroads: A burning need to change course

As our global population and its appetite for energy rise drastically, resource depletion and global climate change have become the most pressing issues facing humanity today.
Scientists and experts agree that the use of renewable energy, coupled with higher efficiency and conservation, will be key factors in preserving our quality of life and paving the way to a sustainable world for our children.
Will America be up to the task as it consumes 25% of the world's energy, 85% of which comes from non-renewable fossil fuels?
Using the powerful persuasive medium of film, the documentary is a great tool for concerned citizen, educators, teachers, and advocating groups to help bring this urgent message across to the general public.


Video sobre calentamiento Global / Global Warming Video.

Video sobre calentamiento Global / Global Warming Video.